The role of HVAC disinfection in the fight against COVID-19
  • 2108
  • Jimmy at
  • November 11, 2022

Why is HVAC disinfection so important to the fight against the novel coronavirus?

If you were to imagine your workplace right now, the picture that popped into your head certainly didn't include the HVAC system. This is because HVAC systems are designed to be hidden works for the aesthetics of the overall environment. But in reality, HVAC is an essential part of nearly every workplace, with infrastructure that spans the entire building, like the veins and arteries of the human body. Sadly, it's the ability of HVAC systems to connect many spaces and speed up air circulation that makes them a high-risk factor during outbreaks of viruses such as the coronavirus.

So if you want to thoroughly sanitize your workplace so that it can operate safely, then you have to pay attention to HVAC sanitization. Just as you clean visible surfaces like floors, tables, chairs, and doorknobs, you need to disinfect and clean hidden places like the inside of air ducts.

What are the most common misconceptions people have about HVAC disinfection?

The biggest misconception is that people think that sanitizing an HVAC is cleaning the filters. But in reality, sanitizing filters are just the tip of the iceberg. Filters are just a terminal, and behind each filter is a huge system that can continue to spread viruses and breed bacteria. This must be taken seriously. To fight the new coronavirus, you need to clean the inside of the ductwork, fan coils, and air handling units of your HVAC system to truly sanitize.

At the same time, we must remember that HVAC disinfection should be coordinated with the overall disinfection program. Here, I'm referring to measures such as systematic disinfection and employee hygiene training, as well as leveraging the new helpers of integrated facility management - robots. More and more robots on the market are now appearing in the workplace to achieve a more scientific disinfection effect. At the same time, these robots can significantly reduce face-to-face contact and avoid cross-infection.

Does HVAC need to be shut down to avoid the spread of COVID-19?

We know some workplaces are doing this, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem. Turning off the HVAC just slowed the virus down somewhat, but it could still be there. Doing so would undoubtedly put everyone at possible risk. People working in such an environment will feel uneasy and their work efficiency will be reduced. In addition to the risk of infection, white-collar workers who are accustomed to working in a constant temperature environment are also likely to suffer from colds, causing unnecessary confusion and panic.

So, a more effective approach to HVAC is to do an overall deep sterilization, to be vigilant and methodical, just like we do about wearing masks, washing hands, and staying indoors.

How do air diffusers support HVAC disinfection services?

An hvac air diffusers is a device that transfers oxygen from the air to a liquid. In the activated sludge process, diffusers in the form of perforated plates and perforated tubes are used to split the pressurized air into bubbles with a diameter of 1.25 to 3.0 mm, or a non-porous bubble diffuser or perforated diffuser is used to generate a diameter of more than 4 mm. big bubbles.

HVAC air diffuser

How will the coronavirus crisis affect workplace hygiene management in the long run?

Currently, businesses are struggling to meet the requirements of newly issued health regulations as a result of this crisis. But even after the crisis ended, many regulations remained in effect. So HVAC disinfection isn't just to get through this month's crisis but to make it a key part of corporate hygiene and environmental strategies.

Globally, the impact of this crisis is being felt deeply by everyone. Employees and customers will also have more and new expectations for disinfection and hygiene. Even after the crisis, these expectations will remain. Since the onset of this crisis, people have continued to educate themselves about viruses, particles, masks, and filtration. When people learn more, they have more expectations of the existing environment and focus on practical transformation.

A new world has new rules. If after the epidemic, your personal health and hygiene, and the company's overall emphasis on and improvement of the office environment, this is undoubtedly a good thing.